Saturday, December 30, 2006

P-80 Saddam dead...not the end.. but just the beginning of the end.....

Saddam compliant, calm in final moments

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The scene was at once macabre and riveting..... One of the most notorious dictators of the late 20th century, his hands bound behind him, was led up the stairs of the gallows by masked men in leather coats. A few seconds later, a trapdoor snapped open and — with a crash — the tyrant was dead.

Saddam may have been the first chief of state executed in the age of the Internet and the camera phone. Probably because of that, his death was graphically documented on video, and available worldwide, within hours.

This was not a Hollywood version of an execution: in video aired on Iraqi TV and several Web sites, the former strongman did not plead for his life, nor did he violently resist the executioners who slipped the rope around his neck. State television did not broadcast footage of the actual hanging.

But camera phone video, posted in full or in part on several Arabic language Web sites, picked up where the TV coverage left off. In it, Saddam was taunted in the final seconds leading up to his execution, and appeared to have smiled at his tormentors. While the sentence was carried out, he calmly recited verses from the Quran in a clear voice.

Finally, Saddam's body can be seen swinging in the dim light — his neck apparently snapped..... One of the most striking things about the grisly videos, perhaps, was how calmly and cooperatively the tyrant faced death.

***************************** says a me comment **********************************

Well many may breathe a sigh of relief that Saddam is gone and that he deserves what he got... I'm not defending him, but he alone is not the problem or the issue that Iraq and the world face... Bush and the US invaded Afghanistan as a war on terror and then Iraq on the pretence of retrieving weapons of mass destruction and then when that failed, like they knew it would, their reason for invading Iraq was on removing Saddam Hussain from power and bringing democracy to the country...

So now that Saddam is no longer in the picture and the US's attempt at bringing democracy to the region is failing along with support for their being there, the question now is, what is the US going to do? Withdrawal would mean defeat and that isn't in their agenda... I feel that this is the lull before the storm and that the USA and Israel will now shift attention to Iran. Bush wouldn't get more money and troops for his failed policies in Iraq, but he may pull it off if he can change the threat to America and its allies to oil rich Iran... After all, Oil was the reason for the invasion of Iraq in the first place and now that Iraqi oil is in American hands... it's on to the next target in global domination...

Says a me


Warnings against Saddam hanging
Maverick British MP denounces Saddam's hanging as illegal blunder
Saddam sees death as 'sacrifice'
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Iraq PM orders probe of Saddam execution
Saddam execution video draws criticism


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